Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Who’s Minding Your Seed?

We take great care when planting a vegetable seed or a tree with the expectation of having the best vegetable or the best looking garden. —However, when it comes to the most important seed, our seed, we fail miserably.—As they are born we nurture our young for a while, then, we somehow find ourselves delegating our responsibilities to others; such as nurseries,  babysitters and eventually teachers.
—Teachers may want to teach and fulfill their obligations they so willingly took upon, but we have reduced them to babysitters and taken away all disciplinary tools and authority from them.
—Employers want to hire educated and skilled individuals; otherwise they’ll hire in other countries
—Parents do not have the time, teachers do not have the authority to discipline —and our government is asleep at the wheel unaware of the dangerous road ahead.
—Ironically, the scum of the world, the lowest of the low, the ones who we look down at and who are supposed to be the dumb asses, have it exactly right.
—They start recruiting at an early age, the drug dealers, gangsters and pimps infiltrate our schools and poison and solicit our kids.
—Schools are the ideal recruiting venue for these individuals to establish a loyal client base. Sex, drugs, gangs and alcohol are more readily available than books.
—What it boils down to is what we expose our kids to. If we expose them to the right stuff they will do the right stuff.
—We can solve this problem very easily and in a very cost effective way. This is how:
—Businesses, companies, corporations and government entities, volunteer to prepare a 2-5 minute video or DVD highlighting their respective organizations.
—The video would include an overview of employment opportunities and a 5-10 year projection for each department.
—Department of Education and Department of Labor would manage the database and make the videos available to the public, especially in schools.
—The videos would be incorporated into the curriculum, so that students are exposed to different careers of which some might pique their interest.
—For Example: If a kid has not seen a guitar, has not touched a guitar, and has not heard a guitar will not know if he is interested in playing the guitar. When a kid is exposed to drugs, has tasted the drugs, has enjoyed the drugs he will try to do drugs.
—Of course; the difference is; a drug dealer does not tell the kid that; that drug is ultimately going to kill him. But, we can tell our kid that if he plays the guitar and he is good at it and he likes it, it will probably provide him a very decent living and a lot of fun.
—By implementing this plan we will have enough information for our kids to find out what their interest is and if it will pay for him/her to pursue it. The employers will benefit by always having the necessary supply of talent.  Our kids will benefit by knowing what to study to secure employment.

—I truly believe we can make this work with minimum cost and maximum impact.


Who’s Minding Your Seed PowerPoint Presentation